Sunday, March 11, 2012

Catching up.... again.

I wanted to write in here more often than I have, but with being pregnant & waking up at 6am every day after sleeping in for 4 months, I have been completely exhausted. I haven't felt like doing anything but coming home & going to bed.... even after sitting in training class all day. But, that's just part of being pregnant. A girl I'm training with says I need to sleep for the next 9 months, which I am starting to believe is true.

On February 25th, I made my first trip to the ER. Since having my urine test, they told me I had a urinary tract infection & I had been cramping like NO OTHER. Everyone told me it was normal, because everything was stretching & everyone cramps @ the beginning of their pregnancy... it was completely normal. And I believed them. But, it was getting worse. I was cramping more often & it hurt worse than normal. So, I called my DR around 930 on a Saturday night & she told me to go to the ER so I could get some medicine & they could check & make sure everything was okay. I was scared to death... just thinking the worst. We were in the waiting room for what seemed like an eternity. They done some blood work & then an ultrasound, they said everything was fine. And I had a UTI. They took me back to the room in the ER after doing the ultrasound & the dr came in, said everything was fine, the baby looked good, it's heart rate was 90. And I was like "Can I see it?" because they didn't show me the whole time they were doing the ultrasound. So, she took me out to the nurses station & showed me. WOW. It was the most amazing moment. Needless to say, I cried. And cried even moreso that they couldn't print it off for me. I just wanted to take it & stare at it for hours. :(

The cramping hasn't stopped since then, I took antibiotics for a week, and have been drinking cran-grape juice & as much water as I can, which I hate water so it's hard. But the cramping is unbearable at times. I have been sick almost every day, but haven't been throwing up. Thank God. And have been so hungry, I could almost eat 24-7. It's crazy.

I don't go to my first drs apointment til April 2nd... so, I absolutely cannot wait for that!
It's definitely a roller coaster ride, but it's an amazing one & I can't wait til November! :)

How far along?
Estimated about 7 weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: I dont know how much?
Maternity clothes? No, but soon. I've already gained a ton of weight before I was pregnant. =/
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I stay sleepy.
Best moment this week: Sleeping in for 2 days in a row ! :)
Have you told family and friends: Yes!
Miss Anything? Lots of pepsi!!!
Movement: Not yet.
Food cravings: Chinese & grape juice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I've just been that way anyways.. food or not.
Have you started to show yet: Nope.
Gender prediction: I don't have a prediction. I really want a girl, but would be happy with either!
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: My first drs apointment.